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Joining the lab


Currently there are no post-doc or research assistant positions available, however if you are interested in a post-doc position with the lab please get in touch. You may be eligible for a postdoctoral fellowship and we can support your application.


DPhil (PhD) studentships

There are many opportunities for DPhil studentship positions with the Wheeler Lab. Almost all DPhil positions are awarded as part of a larger DPhil scheme, these positions are fully funded and last 3 to 4 years. For general information about applying for graduate student positions at the University of Oxford please check out the university graduate courses page.

There are several schemes for which the lab regularly offers projects, including:

Interdisciplinary Biosciences DPhil (BBSRC)

NDM Prize DPhil Studentships (Departmental award)

If you are interested in applying for a DPhil studentship please get in touch.

Other studentships and exchanges

Most Masters studentships in Oxford are part of four-year undergraduate courses, however studentships are sometimes available.

The lab is also open to hosting short-term summer studentships, exchange students and schemes like Erasmus.

Wheeler Lab

Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford

Supported by funding from the Wellcome Trust